Made with ❤️


Cards made with Love

Made for you ….

It’s wonderful to receive a handmade card. People appreciate the love and effort that went into its creation. But maybe you don’t have the time right now or your card making skills are just developing and you just don’t think you can pull it off.

Let me make a custom made card for you. We can choose the theme, the colours, the style and I can make a beautiful hand made card for you. Or you can choose from a selection of cards that I have on hand. Prices range from $5 - $7.

Life Affirmations

The birth of a child, a marriage, an anniversary, a retirement. These are the times that you want to announce to the world or invite them to gather in celebration. Hand made wedding invitations or birth announcements are perfect opportunities for a group card making event.

A bride and her bridesmaids spending the day assembling a special wedding invitation for her guests, or grown children lovingly assembling an invitation for their parents’ 25th wedding anniversary. These are but two examples where a custom made card can be turned into a fun event for a small group.

Ideally, the card making team can be up to 6 people and the total cards created would be 30-40. As with a single custom card, you can be part of the full creative process to select the theme, colours, style and materials. Prices start at $5 per card.

Other group card making possibilities - Save the Date, Retirement Party invitations, Christmas Party invitations, Block Party invitations, Graduation Party invitations.

Contact me about any custom card need!

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